Dr. Jack Simmons

Home/Dr. Jack Simmons
Welcome to the heart of expert care with Dr. Jack Simmons, our esteemed Cardiologist at the renowned Cardiac Clinic. With a patient-centric philosophy and a decade of experience in cardiology, Dr. Simmons is devoted to improving the lives of his patients through comprehensive cardiovascular care. His expertise encompasses a wide array of heart-related conditions, from hypertension management to complex interventional cardiology procedures. Dr. Simmons is dedicated to advancing heart health through personalized treatment plans, innovative therapies, and a commitment to patient education. Trust in his skilled hands as he guides you on a path to better heart health with compassion, precision, and the utmost professionalism.

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Open Hours

  • Monday - Friday 8.00 - 17.00
  • Saturday 9.30 - 17.30
  • Sunday 9.30 - 15.00


  • Сonsultation $50
  • Diagnostics $110
  • Allergy testing $80

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Doctor's Articles

Ćwiczenia na brzuch są pomocne wszystkim osobom, które pragną poszczycić się płaskim, smukłym brzuszkiem. Aby jednak trening przyniósł oczekiwane efekty, konieczna jest systematyczna praca. Wcale nie trzeba chodzić codziennie na siłownię, aby wyrzeźbić seksowny brzuch. Podczas codziennych czynności można to robić równie efektywnie. Już samo napinanie mięśni podczas oglądania telewizji czy pracy przy komputerze może …

Przez długi czas kobiety decydujące się na antykoncepcję hormonalną musiały pamiętać o regularnym przyjmowaniu pigułek. Teraz do dyspozycji są również nowocześniejsze formy antykoncepcji, które są znacznie wygodniejsze w stosowaniu. Wśród nich znajduje się również krążek dopochwowy nazywany pierścieniem dopochwowym. Jego najważniejszą zaletą jest to, że wystarczy tylko założyć go raz na miesiąc i nie trzeba …


If you are choosing a medical center, Medicure is the one I would recommend. Here you are offered medical treatment of a reliable quality, and a full range of services is offered by a team of professional doctors. Caring staff, new equipment and helpful therapy - definitely, this is a medical center of my choice!

27 years

My doctor offered me a very effective treatment and I really did feel significant improvement really soon. I followed all the prescriptions and now I feel great. Greatly thankful to all the staff, and I would definitely recommend this medical center to anyone who medic aid. Fantastic service and really helpful and caring personnel. I was impressed by pleasant atmosphere and the general assistance.

29 years

Fantastic service and really helpful and caring personnel. I was impressed by pleasant atmosphere and the general assistance. My doctor offered me a very effective treatment and I really did feel significant improvement really soon. I followed all the prescriptions and now I feel great. Greatly thankful to all the staff, and I would definitely recommend this medical center to anyone who medic aid.

32 years

My doctor offered me a very effective treatment and I really did feel significant improvement really soon. I followed all the prescriptions and now I feel great. Greatly thankful to all the staff, and I would definitely recommend this medical center to anyone who medic aid. Fantastic service and really helpful and caring personnel. I was impressed by pleasant atmosphere and the general assistance.

32 years